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Posts : 222
Points : 282
Join date : 2010-09-04
Age : 30
Location : Florida

Rules Empty
PostSubject: Rules   Rules Icon_minitimeSat Sep 04, 2010 6:14 pm

Here are the sites rules. If you choose not to follow them, expect trouble...

1. No excessive flaming. I understand if somebody's being ignorant and you need to "increase your vocabulary" to get your point across, but don't troll anyone. It just makes you look stupid.

2. No complaining to me about the mods or admins. They're up there for a reason, and if I see something wrong, I'll look into it.

3. Don't PM me a suggestion, there is a section for that.
3.5. Don't post an idea in the suggestion more than once. If you keep asking, it will just decrease your chances and get you a warning.

4. Triple posters WILL be warned everywhere but the spam section (there's still a limit, which is all depending on the topic and mod's choice.) and if you need to update your Sprite/Art gallery.

5. No complaining to a mod or an admin about a user. Just report them and we'll look into it.

6. No false reporting. If you report someone to a mod or admin when they didn't break a rule, expect a warn for yourself.

7. Stay on topic. Keep off-topic conversations in spam and PMs.
7.5. Post in the correct forum. This isn't warnable, but please try to post in the correct forums.

8. No pornographic or disturbing images. This will guarantee you at least 2 warns.

9. Keep cursing to a minimum. The language is not necessary, just makes you look like trash.

10. No advertising. You can put links in your sig and you can affiliate with us.

11. No alts. If we find you have one, prepare to be banned.

12. Try to be mature. Immature users will NOT be defended by any mods/admins, so if you're being "bullied" for being immature, then tough.

13. No posting personal information about any other user without their permission.

14. No posting in a topic with the most recent post at least 12 days unless you made the topic and you're updating with important information.
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